COVID19 and Hydrogen Peroxide – Urgent Health Tips

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To our Patient Family,

The American Dental Association has a new FAQ Page that was recently updated to address COVID-19. In addition to universal precautions, the ADA also recommends taking temperatures, asking patients about recent travel, and having patients rinse with 1% hydrogen peroxide before each appointment.

“Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses, meaning they are one of the easiest types of viruses to kill with the appropriate disinfectant product.” COVID-19 “is vulnerable to oxidation,” so rinsing with peroxide, the ADA explains, “will reduce the salivary load of oral microbes.”

A good general resource for guidelines for hydrogen peroxide rinsing is WebMD. This site doesn’t specifically address rinsing for COVID19, but does give general guidelines.

Since receiving these updates from the American Dental Association; we have had our patients rinse with a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide prior to their procedures and after their procedure, prior to leaving our office. Our staff has been rinsing with this solution in the morning and then again in the evening. The result is a decreased oral microbe load. This essentially reduces the risk of oral microbe transfer. Another benefit of this practice is that reduced oral microbe load also reduces microbes in your blood stream and thus your entire body, essentially improving your ability to fight viruses and other diseases.

On an updated note, latest information in the ADA website shows to use 1.5% solution to rinse with. Most hydrogen peroxide bottles from the retail stores are a 3% solution. This will require a dilution to half strength (with water) before you gargle or rinse.

I feel that it is important to advise you, our patients, to rinse with hydrogen peroxide 1.5% solution twice a day to decrease oral microbes and aide in decreasing risk of disease during this stressful COVID19 pandemic time.

As we all will be going out to get groceries periodically I encourage the following practice when doing so.

If I were going to the grocery store and picking up groceries, I would do the following:

– Wear a cloth mask when going to the store

-I would use their hand sanitizer wipes, which most now have, to sanitize my hands as well as wipe the shopping cart handle prior to starting. You may also consider bringing your own if you have them.

-Practice social distancing of 6 feet or more while I am there.

-Before I leave, I would grab the disinfectant wipes and use it on my hands again prior to leaving.

-When I arrived home, I would rinse/gargle for 1 minute with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution to decrease any possible new microbes that may have entered my mouth at the grocery store.

-When at home, I would blow my nose into a tissue to clear out my nasal passages as well as I can. And throw the tissue away.

I would disinfect the grocery packages with antiseptic solution, before I put the groceries away.

After I wipe down the grocery packages with antiseptic, and put the packages on a clean surface, I wipe down the area where the packages where previously that is dirty. And then wash my hands.

After giving the time necessary for the antiseptic to kill the microbes, I would put the groceries away. Most I have seen are 5 to 10 minutes. A couple of good antiseptic options are 1- an ethyl alcohol solution of 70% or over. 2 – a bleach solution containing sodium hypochlorite

Here is a link from the EPA for disinfectant options for COVID19

I feel that these practices go a long way to reduce the possibility of getting COVID19 as well as any other virus that is going around.

Warning: Do not rinse more than four times a day. Do not swallow. See WebMD for risks and directions for use.

Caution is warranted when patients overuse peroxide as a rinse: oral rinses can disrupt the healthy balance of bacteria in the mouth presenting as black hairy tongue, a harmless yet unsightly discoloration of papillae. Brushing the tongue and drinking more water will help prevent this. Nystatin may be needed for more severe cases.

Just one important reminder. It is always a good practice to check in with your family physician when trying things like the above. They know your personal health situation and can give you medical advise related to your specific situation, and if you have any contraindications to do the above. Because they know your specific situation it is best to follow the advice of your medical physician.

I am doing this with my own family and sharing this with my extended family and friends as well. I encourage each one of you to do the same. As this is an effective practice, that few are aware of, I hope it is something that will give each of you more comfort in this stressful time.

We sincerely care about your health and well-being. We will be in touch and sending out more useful information to help with this pandemic.

Stay Safe and Healthy Everyone!

In Our Company You Are Family!

Douglas Olson DMD
My Dental Company

© Douglas Olson DMD, My Dental Company


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