How Can Dental Implants Reduce Dental Anxiety?
Do you suffer from dental anxiety? You’re not alone. According to Nexhealth, an estimated 75% of surveyed adults report suffering from some type of dental anxiety. Here, we’ll take a closer look at a few of the ways that dental implants and dentures can...
What You Should Know About Dental Crowns
Have you had a dental crown or is it time to get one? Dental crowns are also commonly known as “caps” since they act as a cap or cover over a damaged or decayed tooth. According to the Washington Post, 26% of U.S. adults have untreated dental cavities....
COVID19 and Hydrogen Peroxide – Urgent Health Tips
To our Patient Family, The American Dental Association has a new FAQ Page that was recently updated to address COVID-19. In addition to universal precautions, the ADA also recommends taking temperatures, asking patients about recent travel, and having patients rinse...
COVID19 and Gas stations – Urgent Health Tip
Family and Friends, We have received reports of people getting COVID19 from gas stations. I would presume that this is may be from touching a gas pump handle and/ or the key pad that someone else has touched who is COVID19 positive. I think it is important to remember...