How Can Dental Implants Reduce Dental Anxiety?

How Can Dental Implants Reduce Dental Anxiety?

Do you suffer from dental anxiety? You’re not alone. According to Nexhealth, an estimated 75% of surveyed adults report suffering from some type of dental anxiety. Here, we’ll take a closer look at a few of the ways that dental implants and dentures can...
What You Should Know About Dental Crowns

What You Should Know About Dental Crowns

Have you had a dental crown or is it time to get one? Dental crowns are also commonly known as “caps” since they act as a cap or cover over a damaged or decayed tooth. According to the Washington Post, 26% of U.S. adults have untreated dental cavities....
COVID19 and Hydrogen Peroxide – Urgent Health Tips

COVID19 and Gas stations – Urgent Health Tip

Family and Friends, We have received reports of people getting COVID19 from gas stations. I would presume that this is may be from touching a gas pump handle and/ or the key pad that someone else has touched who is COVID19 positive. I think it is important to remember...
The Importance Of Oral Hygiene

The Importance Of Oral Hygiene

What Causes Tooth Decay and Gum Disease? Wondering how to take the best care of your teeth? Proper dental hygiene and oral care are essential to your overall health and wellness. Whenever we eat, food particles give mouth bacteria fuel to colonize the teeth. As they...
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